What is the law on e-scooters?
Currently in the UK, you can legally buy an e-scooter, but you
cannot ride it on a public road, cycle lane or pavement.
The only place it can be used is on private land.
The reason for this is that e-scooters are treated as motor
vehicles by the Department of Transport and are subject to
the same legal requirement as other vehicles, such as MOT,
licensing, tax and insurance. Because they don’t always have
number plates, signalling ability or visible rear lights, they
cannot be used legally on the roads.
What happens if I am stopped by the police?
The police will advise you on the law and may ask you to take
your e-scooter home. They may, however, still penalise you
depending on the seriousness of the offence. If caught riding
an e-scooter, fines you may receive can include:
a Fixed Penalty Notice for no insurance, with a £300
fine and six penalty points
a Fixed Penalty Notice for no driving licence, up to £100
fine and three-six penalty points
Other offences which may result in penalties include riding on
the footpath, using a mobile phone, riding through red lights
and drink driving offences.